Saturday, October 19, 2013

Free Public Panel on Poetry during NW Book Fest, Sunday, Nov. 3

Poetry Panel – Sunday, November 3, 10:30am Laura Lee Bennett, Denise Calvetti Michaels, Michael Dylan Welch Many fiction authors start out writing poetry, because the rhythm of the words and the need to be clear and concise provides an optimum training ground for longer work. Discover how these poets use the beauty of language to craft their work.

Friday, October 18, 2013

how to purchase RASP anthology, Here, There, and Everywhere

For complete information about the recent release of the RASP poety anthology, visit the website,

poetry reading tonight--in Redmond

tonight--poetry reading to continue to celebrate the launch of RASP anthology, Here, There, and Everywhere-- to be held at 6 pm this evening at VALA Art Gallery located at 7303 164th Avenue NE, in the Redmond Town Center

Friday, October 11, 2013

NorthWest Book Festival, Nov. 2 & 3, in Kirkland

NorthWest Book Fest offers workshops and panels with opportunities to meet writers, buy books, and gather in community to celebrate traditional print and digital media.

I'll be reading poems from Rustling Wrens as part of a panel with poets Michael Dylan Welch and Laura Lee Bennet.

The Festival takes place in Kirkland at the NW University....